
I follow Truth

About Me

Hi my name is Jennifer if you didn't already know and Jesus Christ is the lord of my life and I thank and praise him for each day I've been given. I'm on myspace to make friends and introduce other to christ and I'm already in a commited relation so I'm not looking for a boyfriend some other information is I'm a an artist writer and I love theater here's some of my writing I hope you like them send me a message with your opinion this is called Where Angels Did Play:

Old man winter made an early visit coating downtown in a purer kind of white. Yet the city with its constant hustle and bustle, seemed immune to its cold touch. Late night diners flashing neon signs welcome worn out suits with blue collar cuisine and scantily dressed waitresses, while police cars circle cracked streets in need of new pavement in search of dealers, drug fiends, and hookers. The concrete jungle their starting to call it; I get a cigarette from the pack and light it. A jungle they didn’t know the half of it. In this city there are children more precious than any lamb and yet more dangerous than a lion with Colt 45’s as their chief companion, a city where the point of a needle had taken more lives than that of any knife. Somewhere far off there is a cry followed by sirens that echo through dimly lit sidewalks and dark alleyways.

I take a drag of my cigarette and feel the tickle of emphysema’s early stages at the back of my throat. It wasn’t always like this. Sometimes during Christmas you can catch a glimpse of what it used to be; couples walking hand in hand along the sidewalk, parents taking their kids to a pageant’ or the little park over on 6th street. I remember-there is a strong breeze and snow starts to fall I follow their slow descent and watch as the white mixed with the ground and become a dull murky color; the city had a way of changing things- I remember white, laughter, children and snow angels there were so many angels. I stare at the snow again searching, finding cigarette butts and black footprints that litter and stain the dull white; no, not an angel to be found not anywhere.

This is called God Send Me a Stranger it came from a lonely time in my life:

You who I do not know who I’ve never met or even seen I love you for it is you who my heart for from the beginning you who I pine for at night the one who’s been set aside for me and I for them the one I’ve belonged to…..since my young heart learned what love is I search wait and even dream of you but I don’t know for how much longer? For every moment you are not with me I grow lonelier colder waiting on day that seems to never come braving imposter those who claim to be you they leave me torn and broken only you can remedy their damage and yet you can’t for you are not with me to soothe and comfort or wipe my tears I am alone and lord knows I can’t stand to be lonely so tell me what am I to do when everyday the loneliness inside grows when my thighs ache from emptiness I don’t know in fact the only thing I’m sure of is…that if we do meet those answers will no longer matter but that word if it leaves me vulnerable weak defenseless to know so much is reliant on one word well it’s terrifying and yet I wait for a day that may never come a name I may never know waiting always waiting for you

My Stranger
Name Jennifer Johnson
Gender Female
Age 18
Location Miami, FL
Ethnicity Black / African
Interested in Men
Status Engaged
Interests christ, theater, art, converse chuck taylor's, graffiti, animals, blue, making friends, ninjas, and video games
Music gospel, christian hiophop, rock, and r&b
TV comedy
Books mystery


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Registered Sep 4, 2008
Last update Nov 1, 2008

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